In Het Nauw

Music from the Podcast.

For this podcast I created multiple drum tracks, that all come together in the intro tune of this podcast. The rhythm of the drums give the podcast speed and a nice contrast to the serious subject of this podcasts, which is the mental health being under patients during the WWII. Next to that, I composed different piano tracks to give several interview quotes more emotion than drums can do.


Client: Stichting Vergeten Slachtoffers
Script: Bart Nauta, Onno Sinke, Alies Boenders en Lucia Hoenselaars
Recordings, edit, mix, music and sound design: Thomas Hoonhout
Artwork: Melanie Dijkstra
Commissioned by: ARQ Kenniscentrum Oorlog, Vervolging en Geweld


Het Habbo-mysterie (AD, 2024)


Planeet Opera (NTR, 2023)